A boost to a popular coaching tool [Wheel of Life]
Jenny is the owner and manager of KRAFT Human Resource Management
As a coaching tool, the wheel of life can be a bit boring and one-dimensional. The magic of picture cards gives it depth and dynamism and stimulates the individual's reflectionSom coachingværktøj kan livshjulet godt være lidt kedeligt og endimensionelt. Billedkortenes magi giver det dybde og dynamik og stimulerer den enkeltes refleksion.
A Key to Unlock Closed Souls
Pernille Stockfleth is a professional storyteller
Dialoogle can work as a magic key and unlock the souls of even the most introverted people.
A prayer you can see and feel
Marie-Louise Bork Winther is a priest who specializes in hearing disabilities
We need to think in new ways and engage in a dialogue with our confirmands and congregations, and for this purpose Dialoogle is a gift.
A versatile facilitation tool
Jodi Lanis is Senior Manager for Talent Management at a global healthcare company
I have used Dialoogle with IT directors, HR people and financial people and many others, and I have never met anybody who did not like the picture cards.
A way out of loneliness
Rita Jeppesen is a voluntary Activity Manager at Red Cross
In my experience, it’s easier for them to feel comfortable in groups of two or three for starters.
Become a Role Model to Yourself and Others
Martin Anker Wiedemann is a development consultant at persolog® Denmark
The cards are excellent for exploring your emotions in order to reach an emotional self-recognition and self-understanding.
840 billedkort
7 stk. Magnumsæt (19x19 cm)7 stk. Pocketsæt (9x9 cm)
21 øvelser i e-hæfte (PDF)
120 billedkort
1 stk. Magnumsæt (19x19 cm)
1 stk. Pocketsæt (9x9 cm)
21 øvelser i e-hæfte (PDF)
60 billedkort
1 stk. Pocketsæt (9x9 cm)
90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.
Dialoogle picture cards can make it easier to empathise with others and understand their feelings.
With Dialoogle picture cards we can identify and describe our motivation. With the right motivation, we can achieve almost anything.