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A boost to a popular coaching tool [Wheel of Life]

Jenny is the owner and manager of KRAFT Human Resource Management

As a coaching tool, the wheel of life can be a bit boring and one-dimensional. The magic of picture cards gives it depth and dynamism and stimulates the individual's reflectionSom coachingværktøj kan livshjulet godt være lidt kedeligt og endimensionelt. Billedkortenes magi giver det dybde og dynamik og stimulerer den enkeltes refleksion.



90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.



Dialoogle picture cards can make it easier to empathise with others and understand their feelings.



With Dialoogle picture cards we can identify and describe our motivation. With the right motivation, we can achieve almost anything.

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