Start a digital conversation

You can start an online conversation when you are logged in. The conversation can take place on your screen alone, or you can invite others to access the digital Conversation Table via their own screens. - You connect the sound via a phone, chat, or video connection.

1. Log in to your account.

2. Click on the green text block to the right: “Start new conversation.”

Start conversation


3. Under “Start conversation”, choose “New conversation.”

4. Give the conversation a name in order to find it again on your conversation list under the “Sessions” menu.

5. Choose the Edition you want to use for your conversation.

6. Click “Start new conversation.”

Start conversation


7. Click “Start my screen” if you want to use your own screen only. – Click “Invite now” if you want to invite others to share the online Conversation Table.

Start my screen or invite


8. If you want to invite others, copy the Session Invitation and send it to the participants via chat or email. Participants click on the link and then select “Join as guest”. They enter their name and the access code provided, which consists of a six-digit number.

Copy Session Invitation



Innovation is discovering, developing and applying new ideas in known workflows and processes. Give innovation a boost with images.



90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.



Creativity unfolds when we use imagery and try to combine different and seemingly independent motifs with each other.