Speaking from the heart

Facilitate group conversations about the big questions in life, those that are important to the individual as well as to the class of confirmands as a whole.

Before the confirmation course begins, make a heart shape on the floor using a long piece of rope. The heart must be big enough to contain a card from each confirmand. Lay out the Dialoogle Magnum cards on the floor outside of the heart. You are allowed to use more than one set of Magnum cards.

  1. Introduce the topic, e.g. love, beliefs, friendship or self esteem, topics that invite the participants to speak from the heart and express their emotions. Ask all participants to choose an image that relates to the topic.
  2. Ask who wants to be the first to present their choice of card. Sharing may be difficult at first, but it gets easier. Once a confirmand has finished their presentation, ask them to place the chosen card inside the heart shape on the floor.
  3. When four or five confirmands have presented their cards, ask if anyone has any additions or questions. All participants are free to ask questions when a presentation is over and the card has been placed in the heart ‘puzzle’.
  4. When the energi begins to fade out, make new suggestions like: ”Try to choose an image each that symbolises what the topic (love, beliefs, friendship, self esteem) means to you personally”.
  5. Ask clarifying questions during the exercise, e.g. “Does anyone perceive this differently?” or “What do you think is the reason for your point of view?”. If some of the participants are reluctant to take part, try asking them if they can find a place in the ‘puzzle’ where their individual cards fits in with the previously discussed images.
  6. Put aside the cards outside of the heart shape. Ask the confirmands to stand around the heart and look at what the cards express as a whole. Ask them what they see.
  7. Ask a volunteer to stand next to the card that symbolises charity, presence, solicitude, recognition or other things that the confirmands have discussed and deemed important. Once the volunteer has presented their choice, another participant can take over.
  8. Once the topic has been discussed thoroughly, ask the confirmands to each choose an image that represents what they have gained from the conversation.
  9. Tell the participants that they can download their chosen image for free on the Dialoogle website and use it as a reminder of the results of the exercise.

Divide the heart shape into to equal halves if you want to categorise/differentiate the expressions – e.g. by level of influence or whether the expressions represents beliefs or facts. You may choose to let the group decide what the two halves should repr



Innovation is discovering, developing and applying new ideas in known workflows and processes. Give innovation a boost with images.



90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.



Creativity unfolds when we use imagery and try to combine different and seemingly independent motifs with each other.