First question to the candidate: “What makes you happy?”
The job interview is one of the most important phases in recruitment. Dialoogle’s picture cards can provide a shortcut to obtain a useful overall impression of the professional and social competences of a job candidate – and thus reduce the risk of recruiting the wrong person. When a candidate answers your questions with the help of picture cards, you will quickly obtain insight into the way this person thinks and reflects. The interview easily develops and allows you to discover the candidate’s inner motivation and drive.
Dialoogle’s picture cards support the brain in thinking and reflecting and help the candidate to communicate clearly and distinctly with both brain and heart. For the candidate who knows the answer to your question, reflections will deal with finding a picture to illustrate and clarify the answer. For the candidate who needs to reflect to find an answer, the picture cards will make reflection easier in a safe and informal atmosphere.
This makes Dialoogle a unique and effective recruitment tool.
Dialoogles billeder er skabt til at få os til at reflektere. Når vi reflekterer over noget, gennemtænker vi det grundigt og finder nye nuancer og løsninger.
Flow er en fordybelsestilstand, hvor vi er så opslugte af aktiviteterne i et øvelsesforløb, at tidsfornemmelsen forsvinder og erstattes af dyb koncentration.
Med Dialoogles billedkort kan vi identificere og beskrive vores motivation. Med den rette motivation kan vi opnå næsten hvad som helst.
An easy start
After the introduction, ask the candidate to go to the picture cards that you have spread out and find a picture of what you wish as the starting point for the job interview – e.g.:
- What makes you happy?
- What motivates you most about this job?
- What do you find most important in your daily life?
Once the candidate has selected a picture, she/he tells you about his choice. Most people are amazed at how easy and intuitive it feels to speak from the picture cards. The pictures invite people to use metaphors, symbols and examples. This is likely to increase mutual understanding and smoothly take the conversation a layer or two deeper.
You can choose to take another round with the picture cards and ask – e.g.:
- What is the biggest challenge you have met?
- What will be your biggest challenge in this job?
- … or something completely different.
Give the job interview a much-needed boost
The pictures create new energy and make it easier to voice criticism in a constructive way because they provide reassurance. They bring emotions into light and take conversations in different directions than we usually go. The interviews become more unpredictable and more entertaining – but also significantly more rewarding.
Head of the Secretariat at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
For HR partners and consultants
In collaboration, a unique conversation process is createdPossibly. design of Conversation Sheet
Participants are trained in picture card techniques for good conversations.
The number of Pocket and Magnum sets is agreed upon.
360 picture cards
1 pcs. Magnum Set (19x19 cm)
5 pcs. Pocket Set (9x9 cm)
6 exercises in an e-booklet (PDF)
60 picture cards
1 pcs. Pocket Set (9x9 cm)
See the picture series
At first some of us found it a little bit difficult and odd to pick some pictures to talk from. But it’s not like that anymore. Now most of us have discovered that you can actually use any picture card to express whatever you find important.
Team leader at a bus company