Include everybody and promote well-being and cooperation
Differences create opportunities while lack of communication and misunderstandings create barriers. Good communication is essential to ensure well-being and cooperation. Managers and employees may have a lot of different features – result oriented, consensus seeking, introvert, extrovert, egoist, sensitive, spontaneous or passive/aggressive. But common to almost all of us is that we think visually and create images in the brain of what we hear, read, think and speak. When we use picture cards in conversations, they become our common visual reference and strengthen communication and understanding.
Dialoogle’s picture cards are specifically designed to set thoughts in motion and be used in all kinds of conversation. When we connect what we say to an image, we promote mutual understanding and inspire curiosity. Visual communication becomes clearer because we can express ourselves metaphorically and interpret symbolically. We become wiser on the subject and on each other and find it easier to arrive at solutions. Conclusions can be stored in picture cards, which become simple symbols on what we have agreed. In this booklet we provide a series of exercises to get you started easily.
Dialoogles billeder er skabt til at få os til at reflektere. Når vi reflekterer over noget, gennemtænker vi det grundigt og finder nye nuancer og løsninger.
Flow er en fordybelsestilstand, hvor vi er så opslugte af aktiviteterne i et øvelsesforløb, at tidsfornemmelsen forsvinder og erstattes af dyb koncentration.
Med Dialoogles billedkort kan vi identificere og beskrive vores motivation. Med den rette motivation kan vi opnå næsten hvad som helst.
840 picture cards
7 pcs. Magnum Sets (19x19 cm)
7 pcs. Pocket Sets (9x9 cm)
10 exercises in a e-booklet (PDF)
240 picture cards
2 pcs. Magnum Sets (19x19 cm)
2 pcs. Pocket Sets (9x9 cm)
10 exercises in an e-booklet (PDF)
120 picture cards
1 pcs. Magnum Set (19x19 cm)
1 pcs. Pocket Set (9x9 cm)
21 exercises in an eBook (PDF)
See the picture series
An easy start
A simple and intuitive process that engages and motivates participants in small and large groups or in one-on-one conversations.
Lay out the picture cards in front of the participants and ask them to pick a card on the subject you are going to talk about – e.g.:
- What makes you happy on the job?
- What would you like to be recognised for?
- What motivates you the most?
- When do you experience good cooperation?
- What is your biggest challenge?
- Where do you find the biggest barrier?
- What will it take to change the culture?
When everyone has chosen a picture card, the participants take turns telling each other about their cards – in the group or in plenary – and communication is flowing.
Dialoogle can give people a better life
With appreciative questions and focus on things that work well I help staff in nursing homes find new ways to help the residents. Ideas are bubbling up because it is fun. – Then we select three of the best ideas and discuss what it will take to realise them. We end up with an action plan that the staff can test before we meet next time.
Andreas Borg, development consultant, Social IQ Academy