19×19 cm. 240 picture cards in 4 boxes + 21 exercises in an eBook (PDF).
19×19 cm. 240 picture cards in 4 boxes + 21 exercises in an eBook (PDF).
Each Edition can be used for many different purposes. The Editions are compiled in the same way – the only difference between them is the selection of pictures, so choose the Editions you like the most. However, you cannot expect the pictures to speak to others in the exact same way they speak to you. Dialoogle’s mission is not to deliver specific visual answers, but rather to stimulate the brain in order to find an answer.
Using the pictures creatively and metaphorically promotes reflection. In this way you will obtain more nuanced and well-considered answers. Those who listen will get the same visual reference, and this will strengthen the understanding among participants. – If you want the pictures to express answers in a very concrete way, you can select picture cards for this purpose from several Editions.
Dialoogle’s Faces cards have proven their value in mentalisation processes with adults as well as children. The Faces cards are extremely useful for perceiving and communicating empathy and feelings, needs and desires – but also for interpreting and understanding expressions, language and behaviour. Faces cards can be used in conversations and creative processes but also for conflict solving and for coping with stress and anxiety. Only your imagination sets the limits for the use of this picture series.
If you are still in doubt about which picture series to choose, we will be happy to help you. Contact us here.
Pocket and Magnum are two different sizes. Pocket cards measure 9×9 cm, and Magnum cards 19×19 cm. All Editions Faces are available in both Pocket and Magnum sizes. The Pocket cards are particularly suitable on the table for one-on-one conversations and in small groups. The Magnum size is well suited for use on the floor when you work with larger groups and everyone must be able to see the pictures. You may also use the Magnum cards in one-on-one conversations if you prefer to walk around while you talk. Pocket and Magnum sizes can be used in combination to create new visual reflections in the search for pictures. You can also use the Pocket cards for adding details, new ideas etc. to a Magnum card.
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90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.
Dialoogle picture cards can make it easier to empathise with others and understand their feelings.
Dialoogle’s images are created to make us reflect. When we reflect on something, we think it through thoroughly and find new nuances and solutions.