Personal and shared class values

Telling each other stories about each student's strengths and values can form a culture of conversation in the class.

  1. Lay out the Dialoogle Magnum cards on the floor.
  2. Ask all participants to choose a picture card that represents one of their most important values: Something that is important to them, something they would like to be known for. You can discuss what such a value might be while the pupils/students are walking around looking at the picture cards.
  3. Ask all participants to briefly explain their chosen image to the rest of the class. Questions and comments are not allowed during these presentations.
  4. When all participants have presented their image, ask them to hold up their card in front of them, so that the others can ask questions or comment on them. As teacher, you may begin by enquiring about the more abstract stories, for instance: “You say you ‘stand up’ for your friends. Can you elaborate on what that means? Can you give an example?”, “You want to fight injustice. Try to explain how you would do that in everyday life.”, or “You want to be a winner. How do you become a better winner as well as a better loser?”. Continue asking similar questions.
  5. When everyone has had the opportunity to ask questions and comment, ask the pupils/students to bring their cards and move to a new location, e.g. another corner or a different classroom.
  6. Ask the pupils/students to place their cards on the floor so that you can all look at them as a whole: The combined values of the class.
  7. Ask questions about the combined values of the class, e.g. “Are there any surprises? How do these values compliment each other? Are there any values that we, as a class, can apply better than we are doing at the moment? Are any of the values incompatible with each other?” Ask the pupils/students to group the images that are interrelated. Place groups of compatible values close to each other and groups of incompatible values further apart.
  8. Discuss how the class can make the most of the existing values, and how you can avoid conflict between values in everyday life.
  9. Discuss why it is important to become aware of your personal values, and why it is important to express them in a constructive manner in everyday life.

It is a good idea to allow plenty of time for the stories and it is important that you will not be interrupted in your work.



Innovation is discovering, developing and applying new ideas in known workflows and processes. Give innovation a boost with images.



90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.



Creativity unfolds when we use imagery and try to combine different and seemingly independent motifs with each other.