New volunteer committee – what is your passion?

Define individual committee members’ visions to gain a broad view of the combined dreams and values of the committee.

  1. Lay the Dialoogle Magnum cards out on the floor.
  2. Ask all participants to choose an image that reflects their reason for joining the volunteer committee. Some participants may find it difficult to choose an image. Discuss different reasons why it may be difficult to choose while you walk around looking at the images.
  3. Ask the participants to explain their chosen images to the group. Questions and comments are not allowed during these presentations.
  4. When all participants have presented their image, ask the participants to hold up them up in front of them, so that others can ask questions or comment on them. As the moderator of the process, you may begin by enquiring about the more abstract presentations: “You want to make a difference. Can you give a specific example of what that means to you?”, “You would like to ensure a healthy working climate. What is a healthy working climate to you?”, “You would like to change the culture. What are your dreams for a change in culture?”. Continue asking similar questions.
  5. When everyone has had the opportunity to ask questions and comment, ask the participants to bring their chosen cards and have the group move to a different location, e.g. another corner, room or a courtyard. Ask the participants to place their cards so you can all look at them as a whole: The combined values, dreams and visions of the committee.
  6. Ask about the committee’s plans for future work. e.g.“How do we ensure a healthy working environment of co-operation that corresponds to our visions, values and dreams? Where do you see us in a year? How do we best use all the combined thoughts and dreams of this committee?”

It is a good idea to allow plenty of time for the exercise.



Innovation is discovering, developing and applying new ideas in known workflows and processes. Give innovation a boost with images.



90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.



Creativity unfolds when we use imagery and try to combine different and seemingly independent motifs with each other.