Expectations to projects
Define the experiences, dreams and potential of the individual as well as the team. This will help bring a joint focus to the oncoming project.
- Have the team lay out the Dialoogle picture cards on the table.
- Ask all participants to each choose four picture cards, symbolising the project that is yet to be completed.
• A picture card representing the most important experiences
• A picture card that serves as a reminder of an important success
• A picture card depicting what the team has learnt from a previous mistake
•A picture card representing a surprising realisation from the past project - Have each team member explain why they have chosen these particular picture cards.
- Place all the picture cards on the table once again. Have each team member choose two or three new picture cards, symbolising their hopes for the next project/year/period. It may be picture cards representing their individual dreams, what they believe they can accomplish together or the potential they hope to see unfold in the coming project/year/period.
- Each participant presents and elaborates on their choice of picture cards.
- Now have the team clarify: What can we do as a team to make sure that our hopes and dreams are fulfilled and our expectations are met? What can each individual do?
- All participants take photographs of the cards representing the future with their mobile phones, so they can come back to them later and evaluate whether or not their goals have been realised. This reality check can serve as a basis for a discussion about whether or not the team and the individual have performed as agreed.
It is a good idea to do a reality check regularly, e.g. once a month.
840 picture cards
7 pcs. Magnum Set (19x19 cm)7 pcs. Pocket Set (9x9 cm)
21 exercises in a eBook (PDF)
120 picture cards
1 pcs. Magnum Set (19x19 cm)
1 pcs. Pocket Set (9x9 cm)
21 exercises in an eBook (PDF)
60 picture cards
1 pcs. Pocket Set (9x9 cm)
Innovation is discovering, developing and applying new ideas in known workflows and processes. Give innovation a boost with images.
90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.
Creativity unfolds when we use imagery and try to combine different and seemingly independent motifs with each other.