Dialoogle helps men rediscover their masculinity

Jesper Kjær facilitates male personal development.

Through physical activity and open talk men of all ages learn to find their own masculinity and to understand themselves and other people. Dialoogle is a valued tool in the male groups.

Many men miss something in their lives. But often they cannot define exactly what it is. Their lives lack direction. Their relationship with their partner is no longer glowing. And they do not know what to do about it. – Jesper Kjær has specialised in coaching men in this situation.

”I facilitate personal development in groups of 12-16 men of all ages and backgrounds. We meet once a week over three months in order for them to mobilise positive energy to step out of the treadmill that they are caught up in,” Jesper explains.

”In closed groups we work intensively, seriously and respectfully with masculinity from many angles in order for everybody to become ‘a real man’ in his own perception.”

Our bodies are very good at telling us how we are doing. But picking up your body signals is more difficult for men than for women. To learn it the male groups practise in open air using their bodies in combination with yoga, meditation and relaxation.

Each time you tell somebody about your card, your goal and your plan will mature and become clearer.

It is also quite common that men find it hard to talk about feelings. But getting a grip on their emotions is important. So Jesper must use a different method. Early in the process he introduces Dialoogle picture cards in a classical exercise that helps the men to reflect, find direction in their lives and set goals. Every participant finds a picture card that illustrates the man he wants to be. Then they split up in pairs, present their cards to each other for one minute, find a new partner and do the same again.

In the next phase everybody must find a picture card that symbolises what he believes will be the last thing he does just before he is where he wants to be. Finally Jesper asks the participants to find one last card that illustrates the very first thing they intend to do – tonight, tomorrow or next week – in order to reach their personal goals. Both times participants present their cards for one minute to as many partners as possible.

”Each time you tell somebody about your card, your goal and your plan will mature and become clearer,” Jesper says. ” After this exercise everyone is able to write down his goal and the first and last steps in his plan. He only needs to fill in the steps in between – be it three or 80.”

During the course Jesper uses the picture cards regularly to allow everybody to register how far he has come.

“For men pictures are a very useful tool for positive planning and motivation because they create emotions. The pictures are stored in the subconscious mind and work for us there – also when the course is over,” Jesper says. Feedback from participants in Jesper’s courses confirms this. They report that they have reached or come closer to the goals they set in their male network.



90% of the brain’s sensory input comes from visual sources. Images start thought tracks in the brain. If they cross each other in new combinations, new ideas emerge.



Dialoogle picture cards can make it easier to empathise with others and understand their feelings.



With Dialoogle picture cards we can identify and describe our motivation. With the right motivation, we can achieve almost anything.