Hendvendelse til dialoogles kundeservice skal ske til [email protected].
Besvarelse vil ske inden for 24 timer i hverdagene.
Akut kontakt kan ske på 35 86 80 82
Priser og forbehold
Alle priser på og i trykte materialer er ekskl. moms. Der tages forbehold for fejl, prisændringer og udgåede varer.
Landsdækkende levering
Med brug af professionel og effektive distributører kan vi love hurtig og præcis levering til alle kunder – over alt i Danmark.
Dag til dag levering
Der vil, som udgangspunkt være levering den efterfølgende arbejdsdag, når vi blot har bestillingen inden kl. 14.00. Men Dialoogle forbeholder sig leveringstider op til 3 arbejdsdage. Dialoogle benytter Post Danmark til levering. Ved betaling pr. efterkrav, skal pakken afhentes på det lokale posthus.
Ovenstående gælder for forsendelser i Danmark (dog ikke Grønland og Færøerne).
Ved køb under 1.300 kr. eksklusiv moms vil der blive faktureret minimum 49 kr. + moms i forsendelse.
Ved køb over 1.300 kr. eksklusiv moms er der gratis forsendelse i Danmark.
Dialoogle forbeholder sig ejendomsretten til varen, så længe vi ikke har modtaget fuld betaling.
Vi tilbyder flere forskellige betalingsmåder.
1) Betalingskort direkte fra webshoppen modtages følgende kort:
Dankort, Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, Visa Electron og JCB Betalingskort
2) Elektronisk fakturering til offentligtlige institutioner
Offentlige institutioner kan ved elektronisk fakturering (EAN-nr.) få 14 netto kontant.
Beløbet hæves først på dit kort, når varerne afsendes fra os.
For alle varer gælder 14 dages returret forudsat at:
1. Produktet returneres i original, ubrudt emballage
2. Du dækker fragtomkostninger, med mindre andet er aftalt.
24 måneders garanti/reklamationsret
Dialoogle yder 24 måneders garanti/reklamationsret mod fejl og mangler af produkterne. Dialoogle kan vælge at udbedre eventuelle fejl og mangler ved ombytning eller refundering af købesummen. Fejl der skyldes uegnet/ukorrekt opbevaring eller anvendelse, er ikke omfattet af denne garanti. Returfragt afholdes af kunden.
Registrering som bruger
Hvis du tilmelder dig som bruger ved køb af ordre, får du fri adgang til øvelser, digitale billedkort og du modtager løbende inspiration og tilbud på din mail. Ved tilmelding accepterer du Dialoogles Privat Politik.
Betingelser for brug
Ved at købe eller bruge af Dialoogles værktøjer accepterer du vores licensvilkår.
Nykredit Bank A/S
CVR-nr. 10 51 96 08 8117 Kontonr. 1719259
Søllerødgade 42
2200 København N
CVR-nr. 31261929
E-mail: [email protected]
Tlf. 35 86 80 82
Hos Dialoogle ApS søger vi at sikre og beskytte dine oplysninger. I denne Cookie politik kan du læse om, hvad cookies er, og hvordan vi bruger dem. Du bør derfor læse denne politik, så du forstår hvilke typer af cookies, som vi bruger, og hvilken information disse cookies giver os, samt hvordan vi bruger denne information. For yderligere information om hvordan vi bruger persondata, kan du se vores privatpolitik.
Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål til denne cookies politik, kan du kontakte os her:
Dialoogle ApSSøllerødgade 42
2200 København N
CVR-nr. 31261929
E-mail: [email protected]
Tlf. 35 86 80 82
Gældende pr. 01/01 2023
I Dialoogle går vi op i at beskytte vores brugeres data. Derfor er det vigtigt, at du forstår, hvordan vi håndterer og bruger den data, som du giver når du bruger vores services. Det er vigtigt for os at beskytte dit privatliv, så du kan føle dig tryg ved at bruge Dialoogle.
Ifølge Lov om behandling af personoplysninger (Persondataloven), Direktiv 95/46/EC (Databeskyttelsesdirektivet) og Forordning 2016/679 (EU-Databeskyttelsesforordningen) har du ret til at blive informeret om hvordan vi behandler dine personoplysninger.
De personoplysninger, som du giver os behandler, vi fortroligt. Vi videregiver kun disse, hvis det har et nødvendigt formål for den service, som vi yder dig som kunde. Det er vigtigt for os at du læser og forstår disse vilkår og betingelser, så du forstår hvorfor, og hvordan vi behandler dine persondata.
Når du køber produkter og bruger tjenester hos os, eller browser på vores hjemmeside, giver du samtykke til, at dine personlige oplysninger indsamles, og du accepterer nærværende vilkår og betingelser. Hvis vi opdaterer dem, og du fortsat bruger vores tjenester, accepterer du hermed også de nye vilkår.
Hos Dialoogle er vi ansvarlige for den data, som vi indsamler. Hvis du har spørgsmål om vores vilkår og betingelser, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os:
Dialoogle ApSSøllerødgade 42
2200 København N
CVR-nr. 31261929
E-mail: [email protected]
Tlf. 35 86 80 82
Hvad er persondata
Personoplysninger er enhver form for information om en identificeret eller identificerbar fysisk person. Det vil sige, at det er alle former for oplysninger, der direkte eller indirekte kan knytte sig til en person. Fx navn, kontaktoplysninger eller IP-adresser.
Når vi indsamler personoplysninger om din brug af vores tjenester, sikrer vi altid, at dette sker med et klart og udtrykkeligt samtykke, så du ved præcis, hvorfor oplysningerne indsamles og hvordan vi bruger dem.
Hvornår indsamler Dialoogle persondata og hvordan anvendes data
Når du bestiller hos os eller logger ind på Dialoogle afgiver du informationer som navn, adresse, e-mailadresse, telefon, finansielle informationer, samt øvrige informationer som er nødvendige for at Dialoogle kan tilbyde dig vores service.
Vi indsamler personoplysninger på følgende måde:
- Når du køber varer online eller surfer på vores hjemmeside.
- Når du skriver dig op til vores Inspirationsbrev
- Når du registerer dig og logger ind på din Dialooglekonto
- Når du deltager i vores kampagner, undersøgelser eller konkurrencer.
I Dialoogle registrerer og gemmer vi fx de oplysninger, som du giver til os, når du indgår en aftale med os. Vi registrerer hermed dine oplysninger i forbindelse med det ene formål at levere en vare, når du handler på vores hjemmeside. Vi bruger ikke oplysninger til andet end det udtrykkelige formål beskrevet her og for at overholde gældende lovgivning.
Vi bruger de oplysninger, som vi indsamler til at drive vores forretning, levere og udvikle kvaliteten i vores produkter og gøre din oplevelse bedre, når du bruger vores services.
De data vi indsamler bruger vi til følgende:
- Behandling af dit køb og levering af dine varer
- Opfyldelse af dit ønske om produkter eller tjenester
- Forbedring af vores produkter og tjenester
- Tilpasning af vores kommunikation og markedsføring til dig
- Tilpasning af samarbejdspartneres kommunikation og markedsføring til dig
- Administration af din relation til os
- Opfyldelse af lovkrav
- Statistisk analyse
Persondata til tredjepart
I Dialoogle er det vigtigt for os at vi håndterer dine personoplysninger korrekt. Vi vil aldrig sælge, offentliggøre eller på nogen måde viderebringe dine oplysninger til tredjepart uden dit samtykke. Vi bruger ikke dine informationer til andre formål end beskrevet i denne Persondatapolitik.
Vi kan viderebringe dine oplysninger til vores udvalgte og betroede partnere for at kunne levere vores service til dig. f.eks. videregiver vi informationer til partnere, der er berettiget til at benytte dine oplysninger i forbindelse med levering af varer, og for at kunne holde dig opdateret om status på en ordre.
Når du afgiver informationer til tredjeparter, som vi har et samarbejde med, modtager vi muligvis også dine informationer. Det kan for eksempel være betroede partnere, der behandler markedsføring, økonomi, reklame og betaling.
Det er Dialoogles ansvar at sikre, at dine personoplysninger ikke bliver misbrugt. Derfor stiller vi høje krav til vores partnere, når dine personoplysninger bliver brugt uden for Dialoogle. Vi sikrer derfor altid, at vores partnere garanterer, at dine personoplysninger er beskyttet.
Opbevaring af og sletning af persondata
I Dialoogle opbevarer vi din personoplysninger, så længe du bruger vores services. Vi beholder og bruger også dine oplysninger, hvis det er nødvendigt for at overholde juridiske forpligtelser og håndhæve vores aftaler.
Vi er forpligtet til at beskytte dine personoplysninger, og derfor sørger vi altid for at skabe forhold for bedst mulig beskyttelse af dine data. For at beskytte dine data bedst muligt, er det kun muligt at få adgang til vores data, hvis der er et sagligt behov. Vi udvikler og vedligeholder interne retningslinjer for brug af og adgang til data. Det gør vi for at beskytte din data mod uvedkommende adgang.
I Dialoogle tager vi alle forholdsregler for at sikre, at vores hjemmeside ikke indeholder virus eller andet, der relaterer sig dertil. Vi kan imidlertid aldrig garantere fuldkommen sikkerhed ved dataoverførsler. Det betyder, at der kan være risiko for, at andre uberettigede tiltvinger sig adgang til oplysninger, når de sendes og opbevares elektronisk. Vi garanterer derfor ikke, at vores hjemmeside er fri for virus og fraskriver os ethvert ansvar for tab som følge af dette. Vi anbefaler dig, at du beskytter dig selv og dine oplysninger ved at lukke din browser efter brug, logger ud af dine konti, installerer antivirus software og løbende opdaterer software og apps.
Dialoogle kan ikke gøres ansvarlig for tab af nogen art, der måtte opstå som følge af brug af vores tjenester, som følge af indbrud i vores systemer eller andre driftsforstyrrelser, som Dialoogle ikke er ansvarlig for. Du afgiver derfor dine oplysninger på eget ansvar. Hvis vi finder ud af at uberettigede har fået adgang til dine informationer, vil vi altid oplyse dig herom, og straks påbegynde afhjælpning af situationen.
Vi sletter dine personoplysninger, når de ikke længere er nødvendige i forhold til det formål, som var grunden til indsamling, behandling og opbevaring af dine data.
Dine rettigheder
Som kunde hos og bruger af Dialoogle har du altid mulighed for at få indsigt i, hvilke oplysninger vi har behandlet om dig, hvor de stammer fra, og hvad vi anvender dem til. Du kan også få oplyst, hvor længe vi opbevarer dine data, og hvem, der modtager data om dig, i det omfang vi videregiver data.
Hvis oplysningerne er forkerte, ufuldstændige eller irrelevante, har du ret til at få oplysningerne rettet eller slettet. Hvis kundeforholdet ophører, gemmes identitets- og transaktionsoplysninger i fem år i henhold til bogføringsloven, hvidvaskningsloven og logningsbekendtgørelsen.
Da vores service er afhængig af, at dine data er korrekte og opdaterede, beder vi dig oplyse om relevante ændringer af dine oplysninger. Du kan logge ind og ændre dine oplysninger eller kontakte os og meddele os om dine ændringer.
Dit samtykke er frivilligt. Fortryder du, har du mulighed for nemt at trække dit samtykke tilbage ved at kontakte os.
Vi indsamler ikke bevidst personoplysninger fra børn under 18 år. Hvis vi bliver opmærksom på, at vi behandler personoplysninger fra et barn, uden forældres eller værges samtykke, vil vi gøre alt for at fjerne informationerne. Hvis du bliver opmærksom på, at et barn har givet os personoplysninger uden forældre eller værges samtykke, kan du kontakte altid kontakte os på e-mail: [email protected]
Cookies er små tekstfiler, der indeholder bogstaver og tal som gemmes på din computer. Disse cookies gør det muligt at indsamle information om, hvilke sider og funktioner brugeren anvender og besøger. Du kan læse mere om, hvilke cookies vi anvender, formålet med indsamlingen og hvordan du kan slette eller afvise dem i vores cookie politik.
Kontakt os
Hvis du vil have mere information, ændre eller slette dine oplysninger, er du velkommen til at kontakte os. Du kan enten skrive til os på adressen Dialoogle Aps, Søllerødgade 42, 2200 København N eller til e-mail [email protected].
Registering For A Dialoogle Account
To obtain access to our images, you have to apply for a Dialoogle account and you agree to provide complete, true and accurate information. Dialoogle reserves sole discretion over whether to grant you an account, and you agree to access the authorized sections of the web site and your account only by using the account number and password supplied to you by Dialoogle.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account number and/or password, if applicable, and you shall not distribute this access information or allow others to use this access information to gain access to this site. You agree to take reasonable steps to prevent others from obtaining your access information. You agree that you shall not acquire any rights of use, ownership, or bailment as a result of using any Dialoogle account or web site or related services. At anytime, you may request your account access to be restricted, but Dialoogle reserves the right to delay your request until all requirements of this Agreement are met. Only accounts without any activity related to the site’s services or products, can be permanently deleted. Accounts with activity will be blocked and archived on our servers for further reference. Access to these accounts is limited and provided only to a part of the Dialoogle admin staff, for legal purposes.
After acquiring a credits package or subscription, you can download images using the license available on our site. The license is awarded to the account owner. This is a one-person license and can be used only by the account owner. If the image is to be used by more employees, then Dialoogle shall be contacted and a separate agreement has to made with Dialoogle.
Dialoogle’s Analog and Digital Picture Cards License Agreement
1. Definitions. In this Agreement the following definitions apply:
1.1 “Licensed Material” means any image, visual representation generated optically, electronically, digitally or by any other means, including any prints, original digital files, or any copies thereof, or any other product protected by copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right, which is licensed to Licensee by Dialoogle under the terms of this Agreement. Any reference in this Agreement to the Licensed Material shall be to each individual item within the Licensed Material and also to the Licensed Material as a whole.
1.2 “Licensee” means the registered account owner.
1.3 “Reproduction” and “Reproduce” mean any form of copying or publication of the whole or a part of any Licensed Material, via any medium and by whatever means, the distortion, alteration, cropping or manipulation of the whole or any part of the Licensed Material, and the creation of any derivative work from, or that incorporates, the Licensed Material.
1.4 “User” means the account owner who: (i) downloads and saves the digital file containing the Licensed Material; (ii) is otherwise directly involved in the creative process utilizing the Licensed Material; or (iii) incorporates the Licensed Material within any derivative work.
2. Grant of Rights. Subject to the terms of this Agreement:
2.1 Dialoogle grants to Licensee a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to use the Licensed Material for personal use only and allow the Licensed Material to be viewed by employees, partners and clients of Licensee.
3. Restrictions
3.1 Licensee may not: (i) make the Licensed Material available in any medium accessible by persons other than authorized Users; or (ii) make the Licenced Material available in any medium or manner intended to allow or invite a third party to download, extract or access the Licensed Material as a standalone file, such as for a screensaver.
3.2 Licensee may not, without obtaining the prior written consent of Dialoogle : (i) include the Licensed Material in an electronic template intended to be Reproduced by third parties on electronic or printed products; or (ii) use or display the Licensed Material on websites or in any other medium designed to induce or involving the sale, license or other distribution of “on demand” products (e.g., products in which Licensed Material is selected by a third party for customization of such product on a made-to-order basis), including, without limitation, postcards, mugs, t-shirts, calendars, posters, screensavers or wallpapers on mobile telephones, or similar items.
3.3 Licensee may not falsely represent, expressly or impliedly, that Licensee is the original creator of a visual work that derives a substantial part of its artistic components from the Licensed Material.
3.4 Licensed Material shall not be incorporated into a logo, corporate ID, trademark or service mark, without obtaining the prior written consent of Dialoogle.
3.5 If any Licensed Material featuring a model or property is used in connection with a subject that would be unflattering or unduly controversial to a reasonable person, Licensee must accompany each such use with a statement that indicates that: (i) the Licensed Material is being used for illustrative purposes only; and (ii) any person depicted in the Licensed Material, if any, is a model.
3.6 Pornographic, defamatory or otherwise unlawful use of Licensed Material is strictly prohibited, whether directly or in context or juxtaposition with other material or subject matter. Licensee shall also comply with any applicable regulations and/or industry codes.
3.7 While efforts have been made to correctly caption the subject matter of, and to provide other information (including metadata) related to, the Licensed Material, Dialoogle does not warrant the accuracy of such information.
3.8 If the Licensed Material is Reproduced on a social media or other third party website, the rights granted herein shall automatically be revoked in the event that the third party website seeks to exploit purported rights to the Licensed Material contrary to the terms of this Agreement.
4. Credit and Intellectual Property
4.1 Copyright. No ownership or copyright in any Licensed Material shall pass to Licensee by the issuance of the license contained in this Agreement. Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, Dialoogle grants Licensee no right or license, express or implied, to the Licensed Material.
4.2 Trademarks. In connection with the use of “Dialoogle” or any other of Dialoogle’ or its partners’ trade names, trademarks, logos or service marks, including the names of all Licensed Material collections (“Marks”), Licensee acknowledges and agrees that (i) such Marks are and shall remain the sole property of Dialoogle or its partners; (ii) except as expressly required in order to satisfy the credit obligations under this Agreement, nothing shall confer upon Licensee any right of use in or to the Marks; and (iii) Licensee shall not now or in the future contest the validity of Dialoogle’ Marks.
4.3 Photo Credit. All Licensed Material used in an editorial context, must include the following credit line adjacent to the Licensed Material: “[Imagery] Dialoogle” . If Licensee omits the credit, an additional fee in an amount up to 100$ may be payable by Licensee, at Dialoogle’ sole discretion. The foregoing fee shall be in addition to any other rights or remedies that Dialoogle may have at law or in equity.
4.4 Audio/Visual Production Credit. If Licensed Material is used in an audio/visual production in either an editorial context or a non-editorial context but where credits are accorded to other providers of licensed material, credit shall be accorded, where technically feasible, in equal size and comparable placement to such other credit(s), substantially in the following form: “ [Imagery] supplied by Dialoogle”.
4.5 Notice of Violations. Licensee will immediately notify Dialoogle if it becomes aware or suspects that any third party that has gained access to the Licensed Material through Licensee is wrongfully using the Licensed Material, in whole or in part, or is violating any of Dialoogle’ intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, Marks and copyrights.
5. Warranty and Limitation of Liability
5.1 Dialoogle warrants that: (i) the Licensed Material will be free from defects in material and workmanship for thirty (30) days from delivery (Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy for a breach of this warranty being the replacement of the Licensed Material); (ii) it has all necessary rights and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement; (iii) Licensee’s use of the Licensed Material in accordance with this Agreement and in the form delivered by Dialoogle (i.e., excluding any modifications, overlays or re-focusing by Licensee) will not infringe on any copyright, moral right, trademark or other intellectual property right and will not violate any right of privacy or right of publicityl.
6. Indemnification
6.1 Provided Licensed Material is only used in accordance with this Agreement and Licensee is not otherwise in breach of this Agreement and as Licensee’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of the representations and warranties set forth in Section 5.1(ii)-(iii) above, Dialoogle shall, subject to the terms of Section 5.2 above and Section 6.3 below, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Licensee and its parent, subsidiaries and commonly owned or controlled affiliates and their respective officers, directors and employees from all damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable outside attorney fees), arising out of or as a result of claims by third parties (“Claims”) relating to any actual or alleged breach by Dialoogle of its warranties set forth in Section 5.1(ii)-(iii) above. Dialoogle shall have no obligation under this Section 6.1 for any Claims that arise out of or are a result of: (i) Licensee’s modification, overlay or re-focusing of the Licensed Material, where the Claim would not have arisen but for the modification, overlay or re-focusing made by Licensee; (ii) the context in which Licensed Material is used; where the Claim would not have arisen but for such context; (iii) Licensee’s failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
6.2 Licensee shall, subject to the terms of Section 6.3 below, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dialoogle and its parent, subsidiaries, commonly owned or controlled affiliates, content providers and their respective officers, directors and employees from all damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable outside attorneys’ fees), arising out of or as a result of claims by third parties relating to Licensee’s use of any Licensed Material outside the scope of this Agreement or any other actual or alleged breach by Licensee of this Agreement.
6.3 The party seeking indemnification pursuant to this Section 6 shall promptly notify the other party of such claim. At indemnifying party’s option, indemnifying party may assume the handling, settlement or defense of any claim or litigation, in which event indemnified party shall cooperate in the defense of any such claim or litigation as may be reasonably requested by indemnifying party. Indemnified party shall have the right to participate in such litigation, at its expense, through counsel selected by indemnified party. Indemnifying party will not be liable for legal fees and other costs incurred prior to the other party giving notice of the claim for which indemnity is sought.
7. Unauthorized Use and Termination
Any use of Licensed Material in a manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement constitutes copyright infringement, entitling Dialoogle to exercise all rights and remedies available to it under copyright laws around the world. Licensee shall be responsible for any damages resulting from any such copyright infringement, including any claims by a third party. In addition and without prejudice to Dialoogle’ other remedies under this Agreement, Dialoogle reserves the right to charge and Licensee agrees to pay a fee up to 500$ for the unauthorized use of the Licensed Material. Dialoogle reserves the right to terminate this Agreement in the event Licensee: (i) enters the Agreement after having received notice of unauthorized use from Dialoogle relating to the Licensed Material; (ii) fails to pay the License Fee in full within the time specified in the Invoice; or (iii) otherwise breaches the terms of this Agreement. Upon termination, Licensee must immediately (I) stop using the Licensed Material; and (II) destroy or, upon the request of Dialoogle, return to Dialoogle the Licensed Material.
8. Miscellaneous Terms
8.1 Audit/Certificate of Compliance. Upon reasonable notice, Licensee shall provide sample copies of Reproductions containing Licensed Material to Dialoogle, including by providing Dialoogle with free of charge access to any pay-walled or otherwise restricted access website or platform where the Licensed Material is Reproduced. In addition, upon reasonable notice, Dialoogle may, at its discretion, either through its own employees or through a third party, audit Licensee’s records directly related to this Agreement and use of Licensed Material in order to verify compliance with the terms of this Agreement. If any such audit reveals an underpayment by Licensee to Dialoogle of five percent (5%) or more of the amount Licensee should have paid for the time period that is the subject of the audit, in addition to paying Dialoogle the amount of such underpayment, Licensee shall also reimburse Dialoogle for the costs of conducting such audit. Where Dialoogle reasonably believes that Licensed Material is being used by more than the authorized number of Users, or that Licensed Material is being used outside of the scope of the license granted under this Agreement, Licensee shall, at Dialoogle’ request, provide a certificate of compliance signed by an officer of Licensee, in a form to be approved by Dialoogle.
8.2 Electronic Storage. For all Licensed Material that is delivered to Licensee in electronic form, Licensee must retain the copyright symbol, the name of Dialoogle, the Licensed Material’s identification number and any other information as may be embedded in the electronic file containing the original Licensed Material. Licensee shall maintain a robust firewall to safeguard against unauthorized third-party access to the Licensed Material.
8.3 Withdrawal. Upon notice from Dialoogle, or upon Licensee’s knowledge that any Licensed Material may be subject to a claim of infringement of another’s right for which Dialoogle may be liable, Dialoogle may require Licensee to immediately and at its own expense (i) stop using the Licensed Material; (ii) delete or remove the Licensed Material from its premises, computer systems and storage (electronic or physical); and (iii) ensure that its clients do likewise. Dialoogle shall provide Licensee with comparable Licensed Material (which comparability will be determined by Dialoogle in its reasonable commercial judgment) free of charge, but subject to the other terms and conditions of this Agreement.
8.4 Governing Law/Arbitration. This Agreement will be governed in all respects by the laws of Denmark, without reference to its laws relating to conflicts of law. Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement or its enforceability, or the business relationship between the parties, shall be finally settled by binding, confidential arbitration by a single arbitrator selected using the rules and procedures for arbitrator selection by The Danish Institute of Arbitration.
8.5 Severability. If one or more of the provisions contained in the Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. Such provisions shall be revised only to the extent necessary to make them enforceable.
8.6 Waiver. No action of either party, other than express written waiver, may be construed as a waiver of any provision of this Agreement. A delay on the part of either party in the exercise of its rights or remedies will not operate as a waiver of such rights or remedies, and a single or partial exercise by either party of any such rights or remedies will not preclude other or further exercise of that right or remedy. A waiver of a right or remedy on any one occasion will not be construed as a bar to or waiver of rights or remedies on any other occasion.
8.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement is intended for business customers of Dialoogle and contains all the terms of the license agreement. No terms or conditions may be added or deleted unless made in writing and either accepted in writing by an authorized representative of both parties or issued electronically by Dialoogle and accepted in writing by an authorized representative of Licensee. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms contained herein and the terms contained on any purchase order or other communication sent by Licensee, the terms of this Agreement shall govern.
8.8 Taxes. All License Fees are exclusive of any applicable sales, use, withholding or other transactional taxes, which are the sole responsibility of Licensee.